You don’t have to use CBD oil to consume terpenes. In fact, you don’t need to know about anything related to cannabis to be familiar with them. Terpenes are just a fancy name to describe aromatic molecules that we all come in contact with within our everyday lives. Terpenoids are found in plants, including herbs, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Cannabis plants contain particularly high concentrations of terpenes; they come in a bundle with trace cannabinoids to support the health benefits of THC.

Most of the time, terpenes are suspended in one extract along with CBD; however, sometimes, manufacturers infuse their CBD products with extra terpenes in different ratios to create a broad-spectrum product or boost the efficacy of CBD distillate. But why are terpenes so important for CBD oil? More importantly for this article we will discuss how to use terpenes with CBD products.

What Are Terpenes?

There are over 500 chemical compounds in cannabis plants, about 140 of which belong to a broad class of natural chemicals known as terpenes. Terpenes are volatile aromatic compounds found in all plants, not only in cannabis. They are responsible for how these plants smell and taste. You come across terpenes every time you waft a fruit or vegetable, or when walking around a garden. There are several hundreds of terpenes in the world, and over 100 have been identified in hemp plants. However, only a few terpenes are concentrated enough to be considered important for our health. The reason why terpenes have become such a desired ‘product’ in the cannabis industry is the extra health benefits they provide. Researchers have been investigating the effects terpenes have on the human body and brain for quite a while now — concluding there’s some therapeutic potential in them. Otherwise, terpene has been used in aromatherapy for centuries due to its holistic, natural effects.

Are Terpenes the Same As Terpenoids?

When you read about terpenes, you may also stumble upon the term “terpenoids,” which sounds confusingly similar to terpenes. Are terpenes the same as terpenoids? The short answer: they aren’t The long answer: terpenes and terpenoids have a bit different chemical structure. Terpenes are the fresh, living version of terpenoids. When you come across a living cannabis plant, you’ll notice a terpene bouquet secreted in the trichomes (resinous glands) of its flowers. Terpenoids form are when you dry and cure cannabis buds. These two processes change the way these molecules transform.

Terpenoids are commonly infused into different ingredients to create essential oils, perfumes, and spices. They have their sound place outside of cannabis. Studies also suggest that terpenoids play an important role in modulating the effects of cannabinoids such as CBD and THC. Recent research shows that terpenoids can increase, lower, or change the potency and duration of the effects coming from cannabinoids on top of providing unique smells and flavors to the buds. In other words, the effects of CBD would be bland and its benefits depleted.


Are Terpenes Safe?

Terpenes are organic oily substances that contribute to fragrances and flavors in different products and are generally considered as safe. As mentioned, terpenes offer an array of positive effects on our health. For example, they can increase dopamine levels and boost norepinephrine activity, positively influencing our mood. More research is needed to confirm the therapeutic potential of terpenes, but the general consensus is that they don’t have any life-threatening side effects. That being said, some people may be allergic to specific terpenes. The majority of these  molecules do not  induce allergies by themselves, they can do so with on-air exposure, so if you happen to have a runny nose after sniffing certain aromas, it may be the sign of an allergy.

Types of Terpenes in CBD Oil: The Terpene Wheel

 Benefits of Terpenes In CBD

Benefits of Terpenes In CBD

Terpenes are known for creating the alluring aromas of cannabis plants, but at the same time, they also have complementary effects on CBD. For this reason, people prefer full-spectrum CBD oil over CBD isolate. Full-spectrum extracts reflect the original chemical profile of the plant and are more predictable when it comes to dosage and effects. Below we cover the most abundant terpenes in CBD oil and how to use terpenes with CBD products.


Bisabolol is a fragrant terpene that comes with calming effects. It is particularly abundant in chamomile, or a less popular plant, the Candeia tree in Brazil. This terpene is widely used in the beauty industry to produce various skin care products. Now, bisabolol is being examined as one of the contributors to the health benefits of cannabis. Current studies suggest that terpene offers anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects.


The name clearly indicates the aromas provided by this terpene. Limonene is typically found in the zest of citrus fruits, such as orange and lemon, but it offers more than just refreshing scents. Limonene has antifungal properties; studies also suggest it can act as an anti-irritant and help people cope with stress. Introducing limonene to CBD oil can boost the absorption rate of other terpenes.



Pinene is found in pine needles as well as in a few citrus fruits. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is mentioned as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and bronchodilator.


Another common terpene abundant in cannabis plants, myrcene has a pungent, earthy, and fruity aroma. Although it’s the smallest terpene, it can make it easier for cannabinoids to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, increasing their potency. Its effects on the body are described as relaxing, leading to feelings of drowsiness. Myrcene has also been mentioned in scientific literature as an antibacterial agent with the ability to reduce physical discomfort.



Linalool produces a delicate floral aroma and is commonly found in lavender and chamomile. Manufacturers often infuse CBD creams with linalool to achieve an appealing scent, but they also add it to CBD oil to achieve a more calming profile


Caryophyllene occurs naturally in black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and broccoli. It’s one of the most promising terpenes, also called “the dietary cannabinoid” due to its ability to interact with cannabinoid receptors in the similar manner cannabinoids do. Through that mechanism, caryophyllene can ease discomfort and produce anti-inflammatory effects.


Terpineol has a smell that are similar to lime blossoms, lilacs, and trees; you will located it  in many types exotic fruits. This type of terpene is used to infuse many types of  perfumes and lotions. Terpineol demonstrates significant anti-oxidative properties


Trans-nerolidol is another floral terpene underlined by hints of roses, apples, and citrus fruits. It usually occurs in jasmine, tea tree, and lemongrass. Research indicates that it has potent sedative, antifungal, and antiparasitic effects

What Medical Benefits Are There For CBD Terpenes?

Dr. Russo’s study found that “phytocannabinoid-terpenoid preparation” could help with anxiety , depression , cognitive function, and addiction. In a Wikileaf article, the terpene myrcene, the most common cannabis terpene found in cannabis strains and hemp, helps with the potency of cannabinoids in their ability to alter our blood-brain barrier.

Caryophyllene, beta-caryophyllene, and other lemon compounds can help with stress, neurodegenerative disorders, and cancer. Alpha- and Beta-Pinene have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. It can be used to treat mood, heartburn and pain, much like the lemon compound of limonene.

Where to Buy Terpenes Online?

It depends on if you are looking for wholesale terpenes to manufacture CBD or marijuana products or for person terpene intake You can buy terpenes online by finding terpene companies through Google or Bing.  You can determine which sites  offer personal terpene cannabinoids for sale versus wholesale terpenoid products. The prices will vary based on quantity and quality buy.


Last Thoughts On Terpenes and Their Role In CBD Products

For decades, phytopharmacologists and researchers have been studying the effects of terpenes in cannabis extracts. Terpenes go beyond being aromatic molecules. They can have a significant impact on the therapeutic properties of CBD oil. The relationship between cannabinoids, terpenes and cannabis is still being explored. These compounds are essential if you want cannabis to be fully enjoyed. This is why single-molecule herbs are not common. Supporting ingredients such as terpenes are always included. What terpenes are you most fond of in CBD oil? Are you more into citrusy or earthy notes?


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